2022 Annual Report

European Funded Projects

Gravitate Heath - About the project.

The objective of the IHI Gravitate-Health project is to improve patient access, understanding and adherence to patient information. The inability  to easily access and understand high-quality health information is a significant handicap in today’s healthcare ecosystem, meaning people feel less empowered to make decisions on the management of their own health and care.

Since the commencement of this project in 2020, the Gravitate Health mission has been to equip and empower citizens as users with digital tools that make them confident, active, and responsive in their patient journey, while also specifically encouraging the safe use of medicines for improved adherence, better health outcomes and higher quality of life.

Building on our expertise in bringing together diverse people, organizations and experts to sustainably solve societal issues, The Synergist has a leading role in two work packages (WP) within the project, as a sub-task lead in both. Eliciting and prioritizing stakeholder needs (WP1), which laid the foundation for subsequent tasks in the project, was successfully concluded in 2021.

In WP2, our role is to support the consortium throughout the project by identifying consortium needs in engaging with stakeholders, helping to identify opportunities and potential areas of duplication, and to co-create stakeholder engagement tools.

In 2022, The Synergist worked on three fronts to address this task in a meaningful way. A repeating “temperature check” was conducted to measure and monitor how Gravitate-Health partners feel about internal and external stakeholder engagement. Throughout the year, a perceptible increase in the perception of the quality of stakeholder engagement was observed.

As a means of fostering engagement across the consortium and enabling alignment between tasks and the need to involve external stakeholders, The Synergist conducted various intake and prioritization activities, including at the in-person Interactive Workshop in June in Oslo, and used the collective intelligence gathered to lead co-creation workshops at the Interactive Workshop in December in Athens. The results will inform action plans for the upcoming year.

Finally, The Synergist has introduced a facilitation tool for stakeholder engagement that was used at the Interactive Workshop in Athens, and can be deployed by consortium partners when engaging externally.

Synchros - About the project.

The SYNCHROS project (SYNergies for Cohorts in Health: integrating the ROle of all Stakeholders) sought to address and solve a highly complex issue on data fragmentation in population-based, patient and clinical trial cohorts. Its objective was to come with a recommendation to address the lack of data integration and harmonization across different cohorts.

This European project started in 2019 and involved the engagement of The Synergist team until the project’s conclusion in mid-2022. A number of key deliverables were produced during this time, with The Synergist playing a key role. The final conference was held in Barcelona in June 2022, where over 130 stakeholders (including policy makers) participated to discuss the long-term sustainability and impact of the Strategic Agenda for Better Coordination of Cohorts Globally.